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Rimu, red pine
name: Rimu, red pine |
name: Dacrydium cupressinum |
Family: Podocarpaceae |
Maximum height: 60
metres [but usually 20-35 metres tall] |
Where found:
- Lowland and montane forest
- Up to 600m
Description: |
- One of our most ancient trees
- The juvenile form is open branched and forms a pyramid shaped
tree, finally forming a tall straight trunked (up to 1.5m diameter)
adult tree with a spreading crown with drooping branchlets
- The juvenile foliage (4-7mm long x 0.5-1mm wide) is light green
but may turn bronze in winter
- Adult leaves (2-3mm long) are more rigid often with bronze coloured
tips, as the tree ages the leaves become more scale like
- Sets seed every 5-6 years, male cones are a light yellow colour
and the female cones are red, the sexes occur on separate trees
- The bark is stringy and usually pimpled, peeling off in long
thick flakes
- Next to kauri, rimu is the best known of NZ timber trees
on image for larger picture

PHOTO: Maggie Bayfield

PHOTO: Maggie Bayfield