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> Lowland>
Pseudopanax anomalus
name: Pseudopanax (Raukaua) anomalus |
name: Pseudopanax (Raukaua )anomalus |
Family: Araliaceae
(Aralia family) |
Maximum height: 3
metres |
Where found:
- Lowland and montane forest, forest margins
and lowland scrub
Description: |
- A shrub with densely divaricating branches, young branches are
covered in small bristly hairs
- Adult leaves (1-2cm x 1-1.5cm) have slightly toothed margins
and dark spot at leaf base; juvenile leaves have three leaflets
- Flowers are minute, greenish white, star shaped, occurring singly
or in clusters of up to 10 along the main branches, flowering
from November to January
- Fruit is a small (4-5mm) flattened white berry with purple markings
on image for larger picture

PHOTO: Colin Ogle