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Common name: Northern rata Botanical name: Metrosideros robusta
Family: Myrtaceae (Myrtle family) Maximum height: 25 metres


Where found:

  • Lowland to lower montane forest
  • Up to 900 metres
  • Usually begins life as an epiphyte, finally becoming a tall tree with a hollow trunk (up to 2.5m in diameter) in place of the host tree
  • Oblong leaves (25-50mm x 15-20mm) are opposite, thick and leathery with notched leaf tips, branchlets are red and covered in hairs when young
  • Large intense red flowers (similar to pohutukawa flowers)
  • Thin bark which flakes off in small rectangular flakes
  • A favourite food of the possum


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PHOTO: Bill Messenger

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PHOTO: Peter Winter





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