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> Lowland>
name: Kaikomako |
name: Pennantia corymbosa |
Family: Icacinaceae |
Maximum height: 10
metres |
Where found:
- Lowland forest, often on stream banks
- Up to 600 metres
Description: |
- Canopy tree with a slender trunk, juvenile plant is shrubby
with wide angled, spreading, intertangled branches (divaricating)
- Toothed margins, juvenile leaves are smaller (7-15mm x 5-10mm)
than the thick, leathery adult leaves (2-10cm x 1-4cm)
- Trees are dioecious
- Fragrant, creamy white small flowers with five petals growing
in panicles 4-8cm long, when the tree is in full flower (November
to February) they almost obscure the foliage
- Shiny black drupe, 8-9mm long on female tree
- Grey bark
- Favourite food of bellbird and korimako
- Sometimes attacked by black fungus that occurs on beech trees
on image for larger picture
PHOTO: Barry Hartley
PHOTO: Peter Winter