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You are Here > NATIVES > Coastal> Salt marsh ribbonwood, makaka
Common name: Salt marsh ribbonwood, makaka Botanical name: Plagianthus divaricatus
Family: Malvaceae (Mallow family) Maximum height: 2 metres


Where found:

  • Coastal, marginal to salt swamp or sandy gravelly banks, extending inland by estuaries
  • This shrub and the mangrove are the only NZ trees or shrubs that can survive with roots in slightly salty (brackish) water
  • Erect deciduous shrub with tightly interlaced branches
  • Narrow, thick, leathery leaves are alternate in small bunches on short branches, young leaves are larger (20-30 mm x 3.5 mm) than adult leaves (5-20 mm x .5-4 mm)
  • Flowers (up to 5 mm diameter) are small, greenish cream and occur solitary along the branches, they have a strong sweet smell, flowering from September to November
  • Fruit are small rounded (5 mm across), hairy and a greenish-brown, on the shrub from December to March
  • Dark reddish-brown bark


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PHOTO: Peter Winter

PHOTO: Barry Hartley






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